Dear Editors,

As we read this from our home in South-Easter Europe, we are just back from the kitchen, from where we listened to the first fifteen minutes of the documentary  Climate: The Movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOAUsvVhgsU

It does NOT show, let alone prove, the truth about the significance of the current climate change. What it does say is that there is a wide-ranging debate in the climate scientific community,

as one can ascertain from this list of peer-reviewed papers supporting a sceptical position on climate alarm,


as well as from these lists of peer-reviewed papers supporting a sceptical position on climate alarm,




each numbering hundreds in every year.

In addition, only 0.3% of 11,944 climate papers from 1991-2011 found >50% of post 1950-warming anthropogenic.


By the way, in case you are without an ability to access the above pages, this reader of yours might be able to help. Legally, of course, and for free, and without being paid by any lobby, like the oil industry, All my money comes from my state and my parents.

Looking forward to your next newsletters

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I do not believe your 'facts'. Virtually ALL climate scientists disagree. Look at how CO2 in the atmosphere has increased, only since 1950. And CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Those 'scientists' in disagreement are paid by fossil fuel interests.

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The nuanced & diverse PoVs from the Chinese online community is AMAZING! 😁

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